“For over 24 years I have been working and spending money without purpose and direction. It wasn't until I was introduced to Paula Canaday-Daeke that I began to understand and gain direction and live to my fullest with my finances. Through Paula's dedication, I was able to set up savings, pay off debt, and develop a new respect for my finances instead of fear them. Paula thank you for changing my future.”

— Shayvonna Allen

“For over 24 years I have been working and spending money without purpose and direction. It wasn't until I was introduced to Paula Canaday-Daeke that I began to understand and gain direction and live to my fullest with my finances. Through Paula's dedication, I was able to set up savings, pay off debt, and develop a new respect for my finances instead of fear them. Paula thank you for changing my future.”

— Shayvonna Allen

“As a case Manager, I witnessed first-hand Paula's ability to bring order into financial chaos with a client of mine. I was impressd by her ability to explain financial principles clearly and enthusiastically so the client understood the importance of managing her money and making wise decisions. Paula has a gift for teaching others and I'm happy to see her utilizing her talents. Her clients will be fortunate.” 

— Jill F.